How to make Bolo de Mandioca (Brazilian cassava cake)
Brazilian Cassava Cake is not as well-known as bolo de cenoura (carrot cake) or pudim de leite condensado (crème caramel) but it is equally as tasty. I have yet to serve it to anyone that has not requested a second slice.
What is Brazilian Food?
Brazilian cuisine has been piecemealed together by many cultures over many years in a country shaped by its geography and…
The Most Colorful Cities in Brazil
When you consider how incredibly diverse Brazil is, its Indigenous, European and African influences and its jaw-dropping natural beauty, is…
10 Reasons why you will love Brazil
Brazil is an amazing country that will impress you in more ways than one. Incredibly, it is a country that…
What is Churrasco?
A Brazilian passion for cooking meat over charcoal Churrasco is the name given to a Brazilian barbecue style that…