Dia dos Namorados: The Brazilian Valentine’s Day
Dia dos Namorados (Lover’s Day) takes place on the 12th of June every year and is celebrated across the Portuguese…
Beautiful Historic Fazendas, Plantation Homes & Engenhos of Brazil
What is a fazenda? Fazenda is the Portuguese word for farm. However, it specifically refers to a plantation. Fazendas were…
What is Brazilian Food?
Brazilian cuisine has been piecemealed together by many cultures over many years in a country shaped by its geography and…
Places where you will see a sloth while in Brazil
One cannot deny how popular our arboreal friends have become in recent years, and rightfully so! The sloth is a…
What is Churrasco?
A Brazilian passion for cooking meat over charcoal Churrasco is the name given to a Brazilian barbecue style that…
How to cook Feijoada: Brazilian soul food
What is Feijoada? In Brazil, there is one dish to rule them all. One dish, passionately cooked and eaten with…
Salvador, the epicentre of Afro-Brazilian culture
São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos The city of Salvador, also known as São Salvador da Bahia…
What is Mandioca?
What is Mandioca? Mandioca is an edible root also known as cassava, yucca and manioc. It is native to…